Future Proofing Workshop

Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network


The Problem

The PCN would like to uncover and dream big about future possibilities for the network. The PCN is known for its innovative practices and they would like to focus on strategies that build on this reputation. A large percentage of the board is new to the organization.

The Process

  • Focus on understanding (patient perspective)

  • Taking a system perspective to understand 

  • Backcasting strategy 

  • Strategies for various business areas (patient experience and business model)

  • Prioritization

The Pivot group together with the executive leadership team determined the scope of the workshop and focus of conversation. This one day workshop was designed to inform future strategic direction for the PCN. 

 The workshop consisted of these elements:

Midway through the workshop, three lightning presentations were held. Together with the PCN executive the Pivot Group scouted, secured and coached the three inspirational speakers from across Canada to provide a futuristic presentation to inspire the attendees. This high energy workshop was a mixture of table work, rotating stations (standing), presentations and group conversations.

The Outcome

The identified top priorities for the business model of the PCN. These priorities were bold directions which included:

  • Self scheduling

  • Focus on social determinants

  • Access to primary care 24/7

  • Expand team based care

The ideas for change were bold and ambitious and would position this PCN in a leadership role among other primary care providers in Alberta.

What We Created

“Marlies and the team at the Pivot Group were excellent to work with. Their creative workshop design and expert facilitation supported us in looking at our work differently. We were able to identify new and exciting opportunities for our organization, all while having fun, as a team.”

Jake Jennings, Executive Director

Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network